Taltalabodi as Covergirl!

Finally somebody who actually deservs to be covergirl! Her suite is truly
amazing and so is her doll! Her style is stunning and well what else is there to
say but Congratulations!


Hello everyone! I'm writing this post just to welcome our new writer for the blog: RihannyX Aka Nika!
She's also manager of our club - FlashyFashion.

She's got a great sense of style, I love theoutfit she's wearing in the picture above. Gorgeous!

150 Members!

9 days ago the club reached 100 members, and well I'm happy to tell you during this week and a half 50 more decided to join us!

Callie.Stardoll - Jumpsuit AND a dress?!

We all know Callie.Stardoll usually dresses like ****, and has no fashion sense at all
but seriously, I felt this blog needed a fashion police when I saw  what she was currently wearing - she's still in the same outfit, so why don't you go look for yourself. She looks like she's one of the animals at a zoo (a very odd one though), don't forget to bring your camera! 

Has she gone insane or what? Her outfit is hidous! a Jumpsuit & a dress?! It looks like she's wearing a pyjamas, I really like that jumpsuit, but I will never ever use it with a dress!

Outfit of the Day - July 30 '09

Blue, black & a little bit of gold
Just an outfit I put together when
I had nothing better to do, but
hey,  think it turned out pretty
good! What do you think?

O.M.G - Free Hotbuys Shoes !HURRY!

Hurry, go to the shop now and get oyur own pair of free hotbuys shoes!
It might be too late when you're reading this, but go look!

Don't we all love Spoilers?

Long time no see, hello again, spoilers! :D

I love the checked, colorful bag, the creme colored tunica is o.k, but what about those
wine red jeans? They're are hideous!

I love the checked blouse with ruffles! It's so cute, preppy and stylish all at the same time! That hotpink top is kinda ugly, though.

This is defenitely not my style, but I like the shirt with the tie.

Free Dog!

1. Go to www.daveproxy.co.uk/ (If you live outside the UK)
2 Go to bottom of page type: www.stardoll.com/en/campaigns/hotelfordogs/
3. Press "Go"
Log in and Select a dog you want then go your suite. (you can onlt choose one!)
4. Close the window and log onto stardoll the 'normal' way.

Congratulations, you just got yourself an adorable dog! :D

Free Guitar & dolls

Do you want this guitar and these dolls (Vanessa Hudgens & Aly Michalka)
Follow the instructions below and it will all be your in notime!

1. Go to www.myproxy.ca or any other US or Canadian proxy server.

2. Enter stardoll.com/en/cinema in the url bar of the proxy server and press enter.

3. Log in

4. You'll have the items in your suite! (The video doesn't have to play)

Credits to MadMacMom!

Creative makeup - Inspired by Peafowl

Peafowl inspired makeup. Slightly crazy though. I'm also
happy with the hair, never thought of putting that Lady
Gaga bow in this hairstyle before, looks a little like a Porcelain doll. 

Outfit of the Day - July 28 '09

A hot buys outfit, put togehter for a day at the beach.
Jumpsuits and hig heeled sandals are in right now.

Outfit of the Day - July 27 '09

I don't really have a good comment in mind myself for this outfit.
But here's what a very good friend randomly posted in my guestbook:

"The outfit u're wearing is absoloutely amazing and just perfect for a real fahionista like u!!"

Thank you!♥

How to get that wonderful presentation!

This method no longer works click HERE to go to the guide for the working HTML Method

Do you want that presentation every stardoll member is looking to get? Always wondered how some people get all those fonts to work when you can't? What makes a presentation interesting, what makes a presentation stand out? Read on to find out!

Follow the steps and you'll soon have one of those presentations anyone would kill for!

If you already have Mozilla Firefox web browser installed on your computer, please skip step 1 and move on to the second one.
1. Okay the first thing you need to do to get those fonts and be able to paste text as you want it into the presentation editor is Mozilla Firefox, it is a web browser just like Internet Explorer, which is the most common internet browser. It is absolutely free and safe and of course it's a full version and not a trial, download it nowhere but at  http://www.mozilla.com/ to avoid getting viruses and other kinds of crap on your computer. And Don't worry, you'll still be able to use your old web browser when you've installed The Firefox one! The only differnece is that you now will have two web browsers! If you share a computer with your family, please do ask your parents before downloading and installing anything on your computer. Even though it won't damage your computer, always check first, your parents might not want another internet browser!

2. You will need a text editor program that allows you to change fonts, font colors and font sizes. Microsoft word is perfect! It is really the only software I know for writing. This is not a freeware, but there should be something similar to word if you don't have word, installed on your computer. If you have a Mac computer I'm not sure what's the standard writing software.

3. To get those cool fonts you have to know the names of them. And also: all fonts do not work on all computers, it depends on if they're installed on the viewer's computer or not! Here are three cool and commonly used fonts:

There are of course lots of other working fonts, so experiment yourself to find new interesting fonts!
But don't use fonts you've downloaded from the Internet since, obviously everybody on stardoll have not downloaded that font.

4. Use some shapes or symboles to decorate your presentation, make dividers between paragraphs using hearts♥, underscores_, minus signs-, stars* ... Change the colors and sizes of the fonts to make the presenatation more interesting.

5. Try writing in English, even though it's not your Native or first language. If you want a lot of text on your presentation, if you decide to write a lot about yourself, divide the presentation into different paragraphs to make it easier and more fun to read! Try not to use too much cyber language, write in English with correct grammar! It's easier to read and it makes you seem more intelligent and more mature.

6. Always save the document you edited your presentation in! That way you can always edit it further another time if you'd like, or use it as a pattern or template for future presentations!

7. Now to the most important part! When you're done editing your presentation, mark all of it and copy.

8. Open Mozilla Firefox, go to stardoll, log on to your account and click the "Edit presenation"-button at the bottom of your presentation. Paste the text into the editor. Do not use "Ctrl + V" To paste, Right or left click and choose paste instead! There, your presentation is now in the editor, save and go check it out!

* If there are odd codes on top of your presentation, copy your presentation again from the stadoll page (not from word), but do not copy the weird code part. Paste the presentation into the editor again, save and go to your page, the code should now have disappeared

* When you save your presentation, in the editor all the text will reset to looking 'normal', or well standard (black and arial font). You always have to edit your presentation in the word document and not in the editor, because when you save the presentation when It all has been reset by itself it will look exactly like in the editor! This is quite hard to explain, but if it happens to you, you'll see for yourself!

This is the easier way of editing your presentation. I don't use this method anymore, I use HTML instead.
But that's a little trickier, I'll show you and explain it to you if you request it.

Good luck!
Contact me, AmyTheJater for any further questions!
And sorry for my English, hehe.

Hot Buys August '09 - what a disappointment!

Seriously, the 'hot' buys only gets more boring every time! Or at least less stylish.
Of course some of the items in this collection actually are wearable like the skirt and
the shorts! But, hello, what about that slightly odd cupcake purse? The pink belly top?
I know stardoll has to variate between different styles, but the pink fluff is soon gonna make me vomit. and trust me I do not want to do that. I usually don't complain on stardoll but I want the stylish part of stardoll back!
And placing that purse in the Bisou shop is a huge mistake, anyone can tell it belongs in The Evil panda shop... I think.

Maybe it'll get better until fall or winter. Then there won't be so many .. or should I say too many bright colors.



Hello everyone! We're now officially 100 members in club FlashyFashion!
Feels great, doesn't it! 

I really want to thank all of you, for joining, for reading the blog and for being active in the forums!
and also I have to thank the 100th member; LinneaNeea, who's been rewareded with a superstar gift
and of course the honor of being the 100th member!

I'm looking forward to 150 and 200 members and 1000 and ...

Anyways, thanks again and have a great day!

Outfit of the Day - July 21 '09 + Matching makeup!

I know, it's been a while since the last time I updated outfit of the day, soI put together an outfit for you, a summery one with a maching makeup!

Hot pink for hot days.

And here's the makeup.
I love mixing black, white and pink!

The New White Collection

The only thing that annoyed me about dot was that there were no white eye-makeup.
Of course, I'd already bought white eye-liner from the old brand Sephora.
But for all thoes new or other members that hadn't aleady bought any white makeup,
thank you stadroll! But there's just one thing though, what do we need white
mascara for? Just discovered you can't mix black and white mascara, 'cause then it all turns black
or white. Slightly annoying. What am I now gonna do with my white mascara?

New hair styles

How come stardoll decides to update every time i can't connect to the internet? Well i did go on stardoll on my cell today, i discovered about 3 new hair styles. I saw some of my friends wearing them in the pictures on the friends list. But since these's no software for flash websites on my phone i can't access my suite or medoll editor. But they looked pretty good, the images i saw wasn't very big, lol, So of course i don't know exactly what they look like...

First entry using my cellphone

Hello, members of stardoll! Guess this isn't one of the most interestng entries i will ever post on this blog. But i have to post this to assure all my readers with the fact that i'm still alive. Lol ... And i have no idea how accurate the previous sentence is, just thought it sounded good inside my head. Never mind. I had an hour to use the internet today ... 'cause we went home from the summer house to do the laundry and stuff. I didn't have time to update the blog , sorry about that, had to deny about 35 of at least 40 friends requests (since they were empty or said just 'hi') ... And also i had to reply to alot of messages, and do other less stardoll-related stuff. Hope you can forgive me. I cannot access the forums or at least post on them from my cell, so i'd appreciate if you could use just less than one minute of your valuable time to post an entry in the forums of our club 'flashyfashion' or even create a new topic. Thank you. / Josefin Ps. my english literally sucks at the moment. Sorry.

No updates for at least a week

There won't be any updates for at least a week since I'm going to my summer house, where we have no internet connection. But still feel free to apply for being manager or writer! Can't say exactly when I will decide which three of you gets to be manager!

Outfit of the Day - July 5 '09

Perfect, stylish outfit for daily shopping tours in the city.

Outfit of the Day - July 4 '09

Outfit of the day July 4th '09
Black and white always works! I felt like I just had to use that free Hannah-dress I
got I while ago. And then I just added some coco chanel-accesories;
The shoes, bag, belt and  the hat.

First I thought I should put on something with the colors of the American flag,
since it's 4th of July and everything.  But I didn't have all the right colors in my wardrobe.
But I'll go out look for American flag inspired outfits, promise!

Independence Day - July 4th

July 4th, 1776 America claimed their indepenency from Great Britain.
This day is commonly associated with parades, fireworks, picnics, concerts, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, baseball games and much more. Day is the national day of the United States

July 4th aslo called
The Fourth of July
The Glorious Fourth
The Fourth

American flag print items

Free Hannah/Miley dress - now costs 10 stadollars?!

Do you want the gorgeous Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus-dress? You don't have to pay 10 stardollars, promise.
you can get it absolutely free. If you live in France all you have to do is to go to the stardoll cinema, then go to your suite, voila, there's the dress. But if you're not living in France it's just a bit more complicated than that.

Here's how to get the dress if you live outside France.
1. Go to a proxy site like 123proxy.info
2. Put Stardoll.com/en/cinema in the URL bar
3. Log in to Stardoll and then Log out
4. Exit the Proxy server
5. Log in to your account and go to your suite. The dress should be there next to your closet Note: It's ok if the video doesn't show up.

Credit to: www.hotbuysbazaar.blogspot.com

Outfit of the Day - July 3 '09

I decided to post what my medoll is wearing everyday (if possible).
So here's today's outfit:

June 3 '09
Inspiering mix. Purple, gold white and black goes perfect together.
Ruffles & Bows, gold & Diamonds.

Copycats - Stolen presentation

Yesterday I got a friend request from "The Guilty" saying "I copied a bit of your presentation, hope it's Okay".
Well of course it wasn't O.K at all since my presentation really is very personal and I've been working so hard on it.
No way I want anybody else taking credits for it. So I went straight to her Guestbook, writing an entry that said it wasn't okay copying my presentation and that I wanted her to remove it -  immediately. In all my anger and frustration I created a topic at the Swedish forum, telling everybody about it. The person who stole my presentation at first  flatly denied that she'd copied my presentation.

Everybody online at  the club knew that that text belonged to me, since they'd visited me a long time before 'the incident'.
Of course I reported her to stardoll, but some of the nice members of club Sweden insisted on helping me.
They wrote some entries in her Guestbook saying it is NOT Okay to copy presentations.

And today, she finally deleted the text from her page and said she was sorry. I don't forgive her, but I don't want to fight anymore either. I'm not gonna make her life miserable just because she copied my presentation, I'm not like that.
If I did - Harass her, terrorize her .. It would't make me a better person than her. I hope she doesn't feel too good about herself for what she did, though. But I'm glad she finally realized what she'd done wasn't right and that she deleted my text from her page.

I hope we can all learn from this. Copying somebody else's property, either if it's just a single picture or a novel, claiming it's yours ... that is not the right thing to do. Definitely not. You have to ask the owner if it is Ok first. Do never copy anything before you get your permission, always wait for an answer. If yes, you're good to go, but it still doesn't mean you own any of what you've gotten permission to use. It is just a permission. So you have still no right to claim it's yours. If no, accept she/he doesn't want you - or anyone else to copy her/his work.

Especially personal photos and presentations. Simply - because they're so personal.

/ Josefin AmyTheJater

Colorful Spoilers

Coming soon ...
