Mysterious suites!
I went out looking for some more suites, I know Halloween's over but these two mysterious and magical suites are worth visiting anyway!
This is Ruth-Sechmet's suite, it's filled with dark, beautiful rooms. A graveyeard, mysterious gardens, the outside of a house and it also seems the idoor rooms in her suite are supposed to be set inside this house. Her suite has this scary yet magical feel to it and after visiting it you will feel bound to vote her 5/5, not just because of her suite, but also because of her outfit that really matches the theme.
Then I found this girl; Miura, this room in her suite really caught my eye! It's like a mixture of indoors and outdoors and it's the main (largest) room in her suite, so I couldn't shoot it all in one frame, but that only leaves more for you to look at when visiting her suite!
Thanks for reading & don't forget to comment, please, comment! I get around 30-50 unique hits to my blog everyday, but if you guys don't comment, how am I supposed to know whether you like my blog or not! :) /Jo
New Room - Office / Library
I just built a new room in my suite, out of nowhere I got really inspired to build an office/library.
A room for a scientist and adventurer, the perfect room for learning and remembering.
Somewhere to sit where it's warm and cosy, where your imagination is let free.
The perfect room for me. Click here to get to my suite and check out the entire room & the rest of my suite!

Please comment on the blog or in my guestbook, what do you think of the room, d'you think I should change anything?
Also if you know any stunning suites out there, please share! :)
A room for a scientist and adventurer, the perfect room for learning and remembering.
Somewhere to sit where it's warm and cosy, where your imagination is let free.
The perfect room for me. Click here to get to my suite and check out the entire room & the rest of my suite!

Please comment on the blog or in my guestbook, what do you think of the room, d'you think I should change anything?
Also if you know any stunning suites out there, please share! :)
Summer inspired Suites
Here are some suites worth visiting!!

Her entire suite is of course amazing, so you have to check it out! but this room was just outstanding!

Amazing landscape so much detail! Her other rooms are also worth visiting!

Her suite's just soo different, so original, in almsot every room there's a window with a beautiful landscape outside, pay her suite a visit and take in the wonder each room has to offter!

This house is very creative, I love the windows! This is my favourite room of her suite!
This is all I have time for, for now, I'll give you more later.

Her entire suite is of course amazing, so you have to check it out! but this room was just outstanding!

Amazing landscape so much detail! Her other rooms are also worth visiting!

Her suite's just soo different, so original, in almsot every room there's a window with a beautiful landscape outside, pay her suite a visit and take in the wonder each room has to offter!

This house is very creative, I love the windows! This is my favourite room of her suite!
This is all I have time for, for now, I'll give you more later.