Outfit of the day - May 31 2015

Here comes an OOTD like three years later. I know right? Why the heck is that old hag (I'm 21 fyi) still playing on Stardoll? I couldn't tell you myself, to be completely honest. I do want to tell you guys though, that I'm not really the same immature 15 year old that wrote some of the nasty, embarrassing posts on this blog...

Outfit of the day - August 20 2012

Outfit of the day - January 26 2012

Outfit of the day - January 26 2012
I'm not back. Just Bored.

Outfit of the day - January 11 2011

90% human, 10% freak show.

Outfit of the day - January 10 2011

Didn't have time for uploading this outfit yesterday,
so I hope it's not to much of a crime doing it today.
Actually, I'm pretty happy with it, it turned out more mature
and classy than I thought it would, yet not boring :]

Outfit of the day - January 9 2011

School starts tomorrow, so why not dress up
as a teacher and hit myself in the head?

Outfit of the day - January 4

Hopefully better than the crap
I've been producing lately.

Outfit of the day - January 1

This is the 200th post but also the first post written in 2011, too bad the outfit isn't that nice though...

Outfit of the day - December 19

Outfit of the day - December 18

Outfit of the day - December 17

Outfit of the day - December 11

Outfit of the day - December 10

Dark classy outfit accessorised with silver
chains and cute bows. The shoes dress the outfit down
a bit.

Outfit of the day - December 8

Outfit of the day - December 4

I just love that striped blazer, so I just had to get it, right away
and of course, use it right away! I figured black and white with some
gold details to match the buttons on the blazer would be just right,
I guess it turned out okay, but what do you think?

Outfit of the day - December 3

Sorta French ... or something.

Outfit of the day - December 1

Outfit of the day, December 1

Outfit of the day - November 28

Cute, edgy and stylish.

Outfit of the day - November 4

Outfit of the day - November 3

Outfit of the day - November 3

Older Entries
