Winners of Winter Scenery Contest
Anyways, only three people participated, and I'm so glad you guys did! But still I feel a little disappointed, usually more than at least ten people participate. So next time I hold a contest, make sure to enter, if you want to always stay up to date with competitions and events; join the club; FlashyFashion!
I love the atmosphere of this scenery, it tells a story even though it never really showed what happened, or at least that's what I think of ... well beautiful scenery anyways, thanks Dex, for participating, better luck next time!
Winter Scenery Contest
Hello, pretty reader!
I'm now opening a Winter Scenery contest!
How do I participate?
In order to participate, you have to first join our club on Stardoll, it's open, so you won't have to wait for me to accept you; Click here to go to the club home page.
After joining the club, create a winter themed club scenery and sign your name in this topic.
What are the prizes?
The winner recieves a beautiful Superstar gift and gets their scenery on the Home page of the club, and the three best sceneries (including the winner) will be featured on the blog, along with a comment and a link to each creator of the sceneries!
You have until December 10th to participate, the winners will be announced later that day, or the next day.
Good luck! <3
Winter Scenery Contest winner! :)
Lovely creativity, lots of effort and heart poured into this winter dream.
A wonderful scenery that really deserves to win!
Congratulations to Dove1997, you just won a candelabra, or well some candles to light up in the dark.
Have a wonderful winter!
Winner of Fall/Autumn scenery contest - Pauo-Watson
Congratulations to Pauo-Watson who made the best Autumn scenery for the contest!
She simply came up with the best idea and put it togheter in a very professional way!
Also .... She just won a soft, big stuffed teddy bear! :)
Winners of the summer scenery contest
Hello everyone! It's now time to announce the winners of the first club contest! All sceneries were amazing and special, so I had a real hard time choosing the winners, but here they are! (I decided to tell you who won first, some people announce third place first .. but I decided to do it my own way!)
The winner of the first club contest of Flashy Fashion is ....
This is just sooo creative, I love the dressses , they're so original and the way you used bathingsuites to make it more 'summerish' (: And I just have to say; it IS truly beautiful! Brilliant! You will be rewarded with a superstar gift and a week of covergirl votes from me, and hopefully some of the others in the club are willing to vote for you as well!
And In second place .....
I love your sceneries! You're very good at nature sceneries and I love the sky and the balcony railings! It's simply
Beautiful! You will be rewarded with a superstar gift aswell!
And in third place .. "last" but not least ...
I just love this scenery, It looks really nice! Very inviting, with all the food, the way you made it look like my medoll is reaching out to grab some. Awesome!
And you also will be rewared with a superstar gift!
And the superstar gift/prize is a Summery drink! (: (Hope it's good enough)
Please congratulate the winners, and for those of you who didn't win, your sceneries were great, I wish all of you luck, maybe it's your turn to win next time!!
Scenery Contest CLOSED
You may no longer enter this contest!
No exceptions!
The contestants are
Hopefully I didn't forget to write anybody down!
The winners (1,2,3) will be announced later today!
Scenery Contest
The very first club contest!
Make a scenery of you and at least 2 other members of the club. The theme is summer.
The winner gets a week of CoverGirl votes and a superstar gift! Second & Third will also get a gift!
Thank you all for entering so quickly!
But for those who hasn't yet entered - The contest ends on Monday!
I'll write about the winners on the blog! of course!