I'm mainly just posting this entry cause I'm jealous as __ for my own medoll is just so embarrassingly primitive. So these are kind a source of inspiration, plus a study of contemporary Stardoll Medoll art. Enjoy.

I tried to keep a balance with some more simple Medolls and some more with a more complicated, intricately put together looks. Which one is your favorite.
See you guys (maybe!)
Stardoll has evolved
Hello, this is that sassy 15-year-old brat that used to write this blog like it was her sole perpose in life. Wow hey, I'm 24 now and I must say I cringe somewhat and feel a strange kind of second-hand embarrasment reading my past self's posts. Especially the sassy ones about all these CRAZY scandals that were apparently contributing to the end of the Stardoll world as we knew it at the time. I am not anywhere near the same person I was then. And Stardoll seems to not be so much either.
This is not a post about me per say, I just happened to log onto Stardoll as I do once in a blue moon and relived all my rosy memories and was obviosuly, reminded of this blog. I feared I might have even deleted it but it was left in a much tidier state than I could ever have imagined. The past me at least knew how to (visually) leave with grace.
So logging onto Stardoll, I found the following; Stardoll itself has not changed much, as far as I can perceive on a surface level at a quick glance. However the art of the users HAVE. Oh my this is what I call evolution at its finest.
Aren't these creations just stunning? I love how the designers aren't afraid of shading the faces and actually using the MeDoll as a literal canvas. I really like what I see. And another aspect of it is there is a level of maturity needed to create art at this level which makes my 24-year heart all so happy and warm becuse Stardoll isn't JUST a pplayground for kids, but an actual platform and and tool for people with a passion and creativity.
To end this before you go all what you dooon on stardoll at 24 you got not lief?
Ido I live in Tokyo and I go to super naisu uni. When I actually write it out like that it feels pretty nice. My life ain't that bad after all I guess. :) I somehow ended up with most of the things I wished for but thought I couldn't have, now I just need a career lol. Crap this post did turn out to be all about me. That's only 'cause I know no one is going to read it anyways I guess.
And yes I am a nice person so don't worry this is just the sassy and repressed part of me speaking as I am somewhat anonymous here I guess.
Se you guys!
Outfit of the day - May 31 2015

Here comes an OOTD like three years later. I know right? Why the heck is that old hag (I'm 21 fyi) still playing on Stardoll? I couldn't tell you myself, to be completely honest. I do want to tell you guys though, that I'm not really the same immature 15 year old that wrote some of the nasty, embarrassing posts on this blog...
Messed up
I know the design is completely messed up.
The images I used for the layout have been deleted off tinypic, so yeah.
If I feel like it, I will fix it some time soon, but seeing as I don't write this blog anymore, and nobody reads it, I don't really see the point in putting down the time.
Outfit of the day - August 20 2012

Outfit of the day - January 26 2012
I'm not back. Just Bored.
I got ... a poser?
This day has been pretty weird, I must say.
I stayed home from school, because I have a fever, so I spent a little more than just a couple of minutes on Stardoll today ... uhm.
Anyways, so it seems I've gotten my first poser/hater... I don't know how to take it, should I be happy or upset?
Her name's AmieTheJater. What's funny is that she doesn't just claim to be me, AmyTheJater, she's instead saying that I am the poser & that she is the true owner of this blog, haha, what the ...? It's not like she's really done any harm though, she's just mildly annoying and my guess is she just wants her 15 minutes of fame.
Then, my friend -Dexter, a guy with the memory of a goldfish, decides to change his password and accidently locks himself out from Stardoll as he forgets what his new password is, gosh I feel so sorry for him ... kind of.
Sure, he could've just retrieved his password by sending himself a mail... but of course he doesn't know what e-mail account he used when signing up here, clever dude, huh? (y)
Last but not least I find a topic with the title: "AmyTheJater, your medoll looks", in Stardoll Royalty
And this is what the post said:

Thank you <3
And thank you guys for reading, don't forget to comment and follow
- Josefin
I stayed home from school, because I have a fever, so I spent a little more than just a couple of minutes on Stardoll today ... uhm.
Anyways, so it seems I've gotten my first poser/hater... I don't know how to take it, should I be happy or upset?
Her name's AmieTheJater. What's funny is that she doesn't just claim to be me, AmyTheJater, she's instead saying that I am the poser & that she is the true owner of this blog, haha, what the ...? It's not like she's really done any harm though, she's just mildly annoying and my guess is she just wants her 15 minutes of fame.
Then, my friend -Dexter, a guy with the memory of a goldfish, decides to change his password and accidently locks himself out from Stardoll as he forgets what his new password is, gosh I feel so sorry for him ... kind of.
Sure, he could've just retrieved his password by sending himself a mail... but of course he doesn't know what e-mail account he used when signing up here, clever dude, huh? (y)
Last but not least I find a topic with the title: "AmyTheJater, your medoll looks", in Stardoll Royalty
And this is what the post said:

Thank you <3
And thank you guys for reading, don't forget to comment and follow
- Josefin
Layer clothing & look fabulous
Five very different medolls with five unique outfits, that all have one thing in common; they all layered what's in their wardrobes to create something entirely new.
These girls have all layered different garnments to acheive something that's completely unique, and I love that, they don't just just plainly put their outfits together, piece after piece, "the way it's supposed to be", but are daring enough to actually try something new and just let their creativity flow.
Just quickly glancing at their dolls, it looks like they simply just put this one amazing dress on, but looking more carefully at each outfit, you notice it's not just one dress, there are two, maybe even three, sometimes a top on top or underneath one of the dresses to give more detail and dimension.
So just go crazy with all sorts of garnments and accessories, but always stop to look at what you've created:
Is it too much? Is something missing? Should I just start over?
Make sure you are happy with the final result and don't listen to that jealous noob asking why the heck you're wearing a skirt on your head. It's haute couture, baby.
These girls have all layered different garnments to acheive something that's completely unique, and I love that, they don't just just plainly put their outfits together, piece after piece, "the way it's supposed to be", but are daring enough to actually try something new and just let their creativity flow.
Just quickly glancing at their dolls, it looks like they simply just put this one amazing dress on, but looking more carefully at each outfit, you notice it's not just one dress, there are two, maybe even three, sometimes a top on top or underneath one of the dresses to give more detail and dimension.
So just go crazy with all sorts of garnments and accessories, but always stop to look at what you've created:
Is it too much? Is something missing? Should I just start over?
Make sure you are happy with the final result and don't listen to that jealous noob asking why the heck you're wearing a skirt on your head. It's haute couture, baby.
Thank you for reading, please comment and follow [:
- Josefin
- Josefin
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Outfit of the day - January 11 2011
90% human, 10% freak show.
Outfit of the day - January 10 2011
Didn't have time for uploading this outfit yesterday,
so I hope it's not to much of a crime doing it today.
Actually, I'm pretty happy with it, it turned out more mature
and classy than I thought it would, yet not boring :]
Outfit of the day - January 9 2011
School starts tomorrow, so why not dress up
as a teacher and hit myself in the head?
as a teacher and hit myself in the head?
Under Construction
I'm currently coding the design, so things might look a little off for the time being.
Outfit of the day - January 4
Hopefully better than the crap
I've been producing lately.
Mant_* is back!
I just went to post something in a friend's guestbook and saw that Mant_* had visited his suite ... 5 hours ago.
It looks like she still wants to be on Stardoll, but wants to start over with a clean slate.
This is what says on her presentation:
- Josefin ♥
It looks like she still wants to be on Stardoll, but wants to start over with a clean slate.
This is what says on her presentation:
- Josefin ♥
Mant_*'s account has been deleted
Mant_*'s account has been deleted, to me the reason is unknown, I just saw this in a topic in Stardoll Royalty.
Most people think she deleted the account herself, which is understandable, because people on Stardoll haven't been all that nice to her, so to speak.
It's sad though, such a good designer. :/
- Jo
The Sims 3 Machinima
Yep, sure this is a Stardoll blog, but it's still owned by a Machinimator, so I thouht I I'd just share one of my music videos with you guys, haha, hope ya like it [:
- Josefin
Thank you all for visiting & commenting!
Those three blogs are The Stardoll Insiders, Trucchi Stardoll and Stardoll Magic World!
Well all visitors weren't from there, some had apparenty found the blog through google or just seen the link on my Stardoll presentation. So I want to thank all you readers for coming here, reading and commenting!
It means so much to me and motivates me to update the blog more often [:
Thank you all, have a great 2011!
- Josefin
Outfit of the day - January 1
This is the 200th post but also the first post written in 2011, too bad the outfit isn't that nice though...
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
Hello, dear readers, if I got any left ... I'm really sorry about not posting and finishing the design, but I turned out to be more busy this Christmas than I thought. I even have homework and tests to study for over the holiday! Yeah, so if you don't wanna lose that precious little life of yours, don't enroll International Baccalaureate.
I have mostly been struggling with getting my The Sims 3 to work on my very much hated MacBook Pro (No, I wasn't idiotic enough to buy one myself, each and every student got one for free at my school) all fall and I haven't succeeded at all, and neither did I even get Photoshop up running on this thing, so I had to try using my ancient PC, which has WINDOWS♥ but it just kept overhetating becuase the battery's completely flat and unrechargable so I have to keep that charger in 24/7 in order for the computer not to die.
So that means I haven't done much on the design.
I also had a very old Wacom Tablet, with no pressure sensitivity and that was prone to making choppy, ugly lines.
But I wished for a new one for Christmas, got a Wacom Bamboo pen and touch tablet, it's Awesome! So I'll try to finish the design as quickly as I can.
Anyways, I'll try to start posting more soon, if you guys promise to comment more [:
- Josefin
I have mostly been struggling with getting my The Sims 3 to work on my very much hated MacBook Pro (No, I wasn't idiotic enough to buy one myself, each and every student got one for free at my school) all fall and I haven't succeeded at all, and neither did I even get Photoshop up running on this thing, so I had to try using my ancient PC, which has WINDOWS♥ but it just kept overhetating becuase the battery's completely flat and unrechargable so I have to keep that charger in 24/7 in order for the computer not to die.
So that means I haven't done much on the design.
I also had a very old Wacom Tablet, with no pressure sensitivity and that was prone to making choppy, ugly lines.
But I wished for a new one for Christmas, got a Wacom Bamboo pen and touch tablet, it's Awesome! So I'll try to finish the design as quickly as I can.
Anyways, I'll try to start posting more soon, if you guys promise to comment more [:
- Josefin
Updates on Stardoll
Looks like Stardoll felt like updating some again, and for the better this time.
This is something I actually asked Stardoll for, though I was probably not the only one.
Instant Royalty when buying 12 months of Superstar
I at the moment, am not ashamed to say the Stardoll Staff are crazy idiots, who don't really care about creativity or that some members are more dedicated than others, they just care about money. Money, money and yeah; more money. Of course people are gonna buy this, 'cause who doesn't want to be Stardoll Royalty?
They're also claiming it's the highest member status on Stardoll, yeah ... used to be anyway. If complete noobs who just started playing on Stardoll gets to be in the VIP-club, that was really dedicated for those who truly pours their heart in to playing on Stardoll and have for a long time, what the hell has Stardoll come to?
They're also claiming it's the highest member status on Stardoll, yeah ... used to be anyway. If complete noobs who just started playing on Stardoll gets to be in the VIP-club, that was really dedicated for those who truly pours their heart in to playing on Stardoll and have for a long time, what the hell has Stardoll come to?
This means pretty much anyone at this point can become Stardoll Royalty, was that the whole point of the club?
And a limit of 200 Starpoints; Give me a break! It should be at least 1000-2000 Starpoints, that's about what an average member earns during a year of playing on Stardoll.
??? "Welcome to the new & exciting home of Stardoll Royalty, where our most dedicated and loyal members are taken care of in celebrity style. This exclusive invite-only club is the official VIP-club on Stardoll and we have plenty of fame, fashion and friends in store for it’s members..." ???
Now you know why so many new people, noobs, whatever you feel like calling them are rolling into the club.
It's not a glitch, it's not a cheat; it's Stardoll trying - and succeeding in beeing killjoys.
Outfit of the day - December 19
Outfit of the day - December 18
Outfit of the day - December 17

Stardoll Royalty Club is at war

Stardoll has officially gone crazy (again) and this has started an internal war in Stardoll royalty. Original members versus 'noobs'.
New members are added every minute and some seem to have gotten in to the club because they topped up with more stardollars, others even claim they got in without purchasing anything.
Even saw someone claiming they were invited by a friend .... (?)
Now, this isn't so bad, right? It's great that everyone gets to be royalty, that everyone gets to feel special!
Yeah, see the problem? What's happening right now is going to make the blue diamond lose its glory, if all you have to do to earn it is buy stardollars or superstar. If you automatically get into Stardoll royalty when buying Superstar, then what's the freaking point of the club anyway?
The only problem is not that the diamond is losing its value, the club forums that was earlier a place where members chatted and had fun is now a hot spot for advertising and asking people to vote you covergirl. Also you see ridiculous topics where new members thank Stardoll for making them a member of the club ... hah. I mean it's an automatic system, or should I say filter that lets members with certain characteristics in to the club, but the requirements to pass this filter must've been changed.
The new members don't see a problem in the fact that pretty much anyone gets into the club, but it really upsets us original members. We've spent a lot of money and time playing on Stardoll and this was our special little hang out place where we could discuss, have fun and talk about anything we liked, without being disturbed by annoying noobs.

This club used to be a peaceful place without any drama and arguments, but those days are probably long gone now. Some of the original members have been talking about starting a private club where we can hang out without being disturbed, just like before. Which I think is a great idea.
- Jo
Messed up suite & an ugly 'collectible' dress ...
And that dress is hideous according to me ... and collectible? Are you freaking kidding me? Callie.Stardoll is seriously getting on my nervs... Anyways, what do you think of the updated suite & the dress?
Winners of Winter Scenery Contest
I know the winners should have been announced two days ago, but I had too much school work to do...
Anyways, only three people participated, and I'm so glad you guys did! But still I feel a little disappointed, usually more than at least ten people participate. So next time I hold a contest, make sure to enter, if you want to always stay up to date with competitions and events; join the club; FlashyFashion!
I love the atmosphere of this scenery, it tells a story even though it never really showed what happened, or at least that's what I think of ... well beautiful scenery anyways, thanks Dex, for participating, better luck next time!
Anyways, only three people participated, and I'm so glad you guys did! But still I feel a little disappointed, usually more than at least ten people participate. So next time I hold a contest, make sure to enter, if you want to always stay up to date with competitions and events; join the club; FlashyFashion!
And the winner of this contest is: Tay_Tay5523!
The pose she put together is really amazing, it must've taken a lot of hard work to make a scenery like this and i think it turned out really nice! It looks a lot like those figure skating contests you see on televishion, just this one is set outside! Congratulations, a beautiful winter gift is now waiting for you in your suite!
Second comes ....SmileyViv!
Last, but not least (or something) comes -Dexter!
I love the atmosphere of this scenery, it tells a story even though it never really showed what happened, or at least that's what I think of ... well beautiful scenery anyways, thanks Dex, for participating, better luck next time!
Outfit of the day - December 11
Outfit of the day - December 10
Dark classy outfit accessorised with silver
chains and cute bows. The shoes dress the outfit down
a bit.