Stardoll has evolved
Hello, this is that sassy 15-year-old brat that used to write this blog like it was her sole perpose in life. Wow hey, I'm 24 now and I must say I cringe somewhat and feel a strange kind of second-hand embarrasment reading my past self's posts. Especially the sassy ones about all these CRAZY scandals that were apparently contributing to the end of the Stardoll world as we knew it at the time. I am not anywhere near the same person I was then. And Stardoll seems to not be so much either.
This is not a post about me per say, I just happened to log onto Stardoll as I do once in a blue moon and relived all my rosy memories and was obviosuly, reminded of this blog. I feared I might have even deleted it but it was left in a much tidier state than I could ever have imagined. The past me at least knew how to (visually) leave with grace.
So logging onto Stardoll, I found the following; Stardoll itself has not changed much, as far as I can perceive on a surface level at a quick glance. However the art of the users HAVE. Oh my this is what I call evolution at its finest.
Aren't these creations just stunning? I love how the designers aren't afraid of shading the faces and actually using the MeDoll as a literal canvas. I really like what I see. And another aspect of it is there is a level of maturity needed to create art at this level which makes my 24-year heart all so happy and warm becuse Stardoll isn't JUST a pplayground for kids, but an actual platform and and tool for people with a passion and creativity.
To end this before you go all what you dooon on stardoll at 24 you got not lief?
Ido I live in Tokyo and I go to super naisu uni. When I actually write it out like that it feels pretty nice. My life ain't that bad after all I guess. :) I somehow ended up with most of the things I wished for but thought I couldn't have, now I just need a career lol. Crap this post did turn out to be all about me. That's only 'cause I know no one is going to read it anyways I guess.
And yes I am a nice person so don't worry this is just the sassy and repressed part of me speaking as I am somewhat anonymous here I guess.
Se you guys!