The Sims 3 Machinima
- Josefin
Instant Royalty when buying 12 months of Superstar
They're also claiming it's the highest member status on Stardoll, yeah ... used to be anyway. If complete noobs who just started playing on Stardoll gets to be in the VIP-club, that was really dedicated for those who truly pours their heart in to playing on Stardoll and have for a long time, what the hell has Stardoll come to?
This means pretty much anyone at this point can become Stardoll Royalty, was that the whole point of the club?
And a limit of 200 Starpoints; Give me a break! It should be at least 1000-2000 Starpoints, that's about what an average member earns during a year of playing on Stardoll.
??? "Welcome to the new & exciting home of Stardoll Royalty, where our most dedicated and loyal members are taken care of in celebrity style. This exclusive invite-only club is the official VIP-club on Stardoll and we have plenty of fame, fashion and friends in store for it’s members..." ???
Now you know why so many new people, noobs, whatever you feel like calling them are rolling into the club.
It's not a glitch, it's not a cheat; it's Stardoll trying - and succeeding in beeing killjoys.
National Covergirl of Sweden
I was very surprised (in a good way) to see that I'd won National Covergirl, Sweden today.
This is all thanks to a friend, Vellyn, and the members of her club Cover-Krasky.
It's a private "club [that] was made to help nice people become CG, without spending money on broadcasts or asking others for help." This club is all about honesty, trust and helping others. All three girls who were chosen to be voted for as national covergirl succeeded thanks to all the kind members of the club!
Anyways, so I just wanted to thank all those people who took their time to vote for me, sure, being national/covergirl has never really been a dream of mine, but it's still an achievement I'm proud of ... sorta (:
Thanks for reading, have an awesome weekend / Josefin
Inappropriate parties
So, I wasn't the only one thinking almost all parties are about finding a 'hot' girl/boyfriend, dating or having "shex".
Congratulations Covergirl winner of the day - you deserve it!
Christina_100's outfit is pretty nice, she's got a somewhat nice fashion sence, but what I think made people vote for her is her suite that seems to be inspired by magic and The world of Harry Potter and Hogwarts.
It's a very interesting suite, you should go take a look at it!
FashionMonarch placed second, I do actually find her suite and style more appealing than Christina_100's.
The color's and the way she decorated her suite is on a whole other level. It's modern yet it contains vintage elements. It's much more classy in a way, but on the other hand, their suites are not of the same style at all, so maybe that wasn't a good way of compairing. I think this girl has potential to be tomorrow's covergirl if enough people visit her!
And on third place there is VenusAurie, I can't say her suite's special in any way, but her cream colored outfit was startling. So I thought she deserved to be a part of this blog post as well.
New Presentations
But it works and it looks awesome if used in a creative way :)
Do you want the scroll code too? Click here!
I was just so jealous of Dex when I saw his amazing presentation I just had to extract the scroll-code and use it on my presentation too! Below's my presentation (AmyTheJater)!
I might share the scroll and box-with-border codes later, if requested :)
For now, comment?
5th should've been 1st! - Today's covergirl
When someone according to their style and suite actually deserves to covergirl places they place 5th and the one who has a suite that looks like some old rubber boot factory and has a doll dressed worse than Hannah Montana wins, Stardoll really lost it.
Todays covergirl is Alicjaf13.
Her doll looks like a mix of Hannah Montana and some worn out Barbie doll from 1996.
In other words; an extremely lame attempt to look like Lady Gaga.
Her suite is a mess, not trying to be mean, just being honest.
The rooms are poorly decorated and she has probably never head of the word proportion.
And then for the girl who placed 5th, who really should have won! Baby-Lulu36.
She's got fashion sense, I mean just take a look at that fabulous outfit.
That's what I call classy!
Her suite's got dimentions, she know's exactly what proportions are and the rooms are just beautifully decorated.
Her creativity seems close to endless and her suite seems to be vintage inspired.
I really can't find the approporiate words to describe her suite, so why don't ya just go check it out for yourself.
She's really worth voting for as covergirl.
And on top of all this, somethings that's just plain disturbing.
Callie.Stardoll placed 3rd.
That outfit seriously creeps me out.
Miss Stardoll World 2010
Finally Stardoll is hosting a contest with good prizes and with a fair chance for anyone to win ... almost.
"Country finals will be held in October, consisting of 18 hand-picked finalists from each of the 18 countries. 1 winner from each will go forward to the Miss Stardoll World Grand Final in November. The doll with the most votes in the final will be crowned Miss Stardoll World 2010!"
So apparently the Stardoll staff will be picking the 18 finalists, so at that stage the ones whom will be picked won't be so out of their status/popularity on stardoll, which is good!
It's just later on, when we get to vote, it might all turn in to what we see everyday with those who wanna be covergirl. But hopefully not.
This is a contest I actually entered.
I mean you don't have to waste your money on broadcasting since stardoll a picking the finalists, this contest actually has to do with each and every one of us and for who we truly are plus the prizes are awesome!
I think this is a great opportunity if you really want to be seen on stardoll and you don't want to waste tons of money.
It's a good way to finally get to show how creative your are both with your suite and doll, they will actually look at ALL the suites of the members who entered.
It's kind of unfair only a couple of countries get to participate and not all.
There will be some sort of separate contest for the others but still, I think everybody should feel they're allowed to be a part of something like this.
And being MSW is so much more special than being covergirl for one day, don't you think?
What do you personally think about all this?
Leave a comment, I'd really like to know!
All you need to become covergirl: An extremely large wallet?
Today's covergirl, Imodel. No special suite, boring outfit.
All you need to become Covergirl is a lot of money.
No style, creativity or finesse needed.
Just money and the ability to broadcast "covergirl, covergirl, covergirl..." Over 1000 times.
Is it really worth it, does being covergirl really mean this much to all these poor little girls who get their dreams crushed every day?
You get your medoll on the front page of stardoll, you get a million friend requests from people who don't care about you, your guestbook is filled with "congratz/congratulations..." blablabla along with a lot of other weird unwanted chain messages.
Sure, if this one day of 'fame' on stardoll is worth so much to some people..
They're really willing to waste all that money on broadcasting instead of maybe spending them on decorating their suite or doll, or why not just save them or spend them on real life things ...
I'm rather liked/loved as the person I am by my friends and those few people who visit my suite and appreciate and compliment creativity, than be covergirl once in my stardoll experience.
I miss how stardoll once was, when it was JUST about being creative, having fun, making new friends.
And there wasn't this constant pressure about being covergirl, now the only thing that seems to matter to some
people is being cover girl.
You see boring presentations that's all about running to become covergirl, those presentations are so unpersonal they make me wanna puke and the suite and doll the presentation belongs to aren't very stunning and interesting either, most times.
The glory of being covergirl is long gone. There's nothing special about it anymore.
There are other things in life and on stardoll that matters more.
Just because you become covergirl doesn't mean you'll get more friends, be more popular or that people will see the true you, who probably isn't as hollow as you may look.
The next day nobody will remember you anyways.
The few girls who actually are famous on stardoll, got famous a long time ago, when they mattered and not the cover of a magazine.
I'm not saying there aren't any stardoll members who don't deserve to be covergirl, there are lots of them, but they just aren't notcied, even though they really should be!
This post is not mainly about today's covergirl, her doll's now a stardoll-covergirl-statistic-thingy ... of what these girls are willing to do for really nothing. I'm not in any way mocking her as a person, I don't know her, but she's just an example of how desperate people can be when it comes to winning covergirl.
I just had to get my opinion out for once.
You're allowed to critisize me, if you think I'm an idiot or whatever.
I don't care.
Okay so I have to admit this is pretty cool & I wasn't ever expecting something like this at all.
Yesterday I got like hundreds of visitors and I just couldn't understand why, but it turned out I was on second place on the Catwalk toplist! It actually put a smile on my face, you know achiving something after all these years.
And when I checked back at the toplist a while later that day - guess what? I was on first place!
So that resulted in getting lots and lots of visitors.
Today I was on 4th place and then eventually I disappeared from the list.
But still THANK YOU ALL!
But the thing is, this isn't everything.
I'm number 5 on the covergirl toplist of the day! I have to say I'm not close to a dream coming true or whatever,
'cause being covergirl isn't my dream, but that doesn't mean I don't appreiate your votes.
Thank you.
& I just want to say congratulations to the coverboy! Well done!
- Josefin ♥
Today's covergirl's gotta be joke
Pretty much everybody's dream is to become covergirl of the day. It's like you chance to be in the spotlight, for people to see you. Yeah, right, that's what it's supposed to be like, people who are truly worthy being seen, who have wonderful suites, medolls and personalities. This girl has no suite or no style. So the question is (and it probably remains) How the '''' did she become covergirl? Sorry, didn't mean to be so harsh. But my point is; there are lots of other people on stardoll who should have won today instead of her.
chuchumeca123 Should have been today's covergirl!
Yeah that's right, just go check her suite out! I mean how could princesagezinha win?!
chuchumeca123 really put her heart and soul into her suite and ended up in fifth place.
I'm pretty sure our covergirl of the day cheated, I mean what does she have that anybody else can't get?
Her medoll isn't ugly but it's not special either, and her suite is just plain and boring.
I'm really disappointed, To be truly and fully honest: princesagezinha does NOT derserve to become covergirl!
Best MeDoll of May 23
One of stardolls most famous Designers has again been chosen as today's covergirl!
And if I remember right yesterday she ended up on second place - Of course I'm talking about Keira-v!! And I don't know how many times she's been covergirl.
But I know there are lots of other amazing and stunning medolls & suites out there really deserving to become covergirl and waitnig for their dream to come true. Keira-v does deserv to be covergirl too, I mean her designs are amazing, gorgeous and totally breathtaking - BUT I know other people who are just as covergirl-worthy as she is (but apparently never been - yet). And I'm not talking about my own medoll.
But I see why she becomes covergirl over and over, everybody's looking up to her, because of her starpoints, designs, amazing suite and fabulous sense of style! And so am I, I really think she's cool. But I know lots of other members who are just waiting for their day to come - for their medoll to be on the cover of the Magazine.
Anyway - Congratulaions to Keira-v for once again being the covergirl of the Magazine.
Wonderful New Hairstyle by French-Diva
Wow, look at what French-Diva made using only my doll and the scenery-maker. It's just sooo creative!
And it's not only creative she actually made it look very realistic & stylish! It really does look like the hair's 'supposed' to be there. Thank you so much for using my doll!
I would like to see more of this kind of sceneries, everybody (almost) on stardoll knows how you can you hands and arms from more than just one doll to make it look like another doll is for example stretching out her hand or touching her face.
But I've never seen anything like this scenery before!
And thanks again, French-diva for using my doll,
i'm looking forward to seeing more creative and beautiful sceneries by you in the future!