All you need to become covergirl: An extremely large wallet?
Today's covergirl, Imodel. No special suite, boring outfit.
I guess the title's true.
All you need to become Covergirl is a lot of money.
No style, creativity or finesse needed.
Just money and the ability to broadcast "covergirl, covergirl, covergirl..." Over 1000 times.
Is it really worth it, does being covergirl really mean this much to all these poor little girls who get their dreams crushed every day?
You get your medoll on the front page of stardoll, you get a million friend requests from people who don't care about you, your guestbook is filled with "congratz/congratulations..." blablabla along with a lot of other weird unwanted chain messages.
Sure, if this one day of 'fame' on stardoll is worth so much to some people..
They're really willing to waste all that money on broadcasting instead of maybe spending them on decorating their suite or doll, or why not just save them or spend them on real life things ...
I'm rather liked/loved as the person I am by my friends and those few people who visit my suite and appreciate and compliment creativity, than be covergirl once in my stardoll experience.
I miss how stardoll once was, when it was JUST about being creative, having fun, making new friends.
And there wasn't this constant pressure about being covergirl, now the only thing that seems to matter to some
people is being cover girl.
You see boring presentations that's all about running to become covergirl, those presentations are so unpersonal they make me wanna puke and the suite and doll the presentation belongs to aren't very stunning and interesting either, most times.
The glory of being covergirl is long gone. There's nothing special about it anymore.
There are other things in life and on stardoll that matters more.
Just because you become covergirl doesn't mean you'll get more friends, be more popular or that people will see the true you, who probably isn't as hollow as you may look.
The next day nobody will remember you anyways.
The few girls who actually are famous on stardoll, got famous a long time ago, when they mattered and not the cover of a magazine.
I'm not saying there aren't any stardoll members who don't deserve to be covergirl, there are lots of them, but they just aren't notcied, even though they really should be!
This post is not mainly about today's covergirl, her doll's now a stardoll-covergirl-statistic-thingy ... of what these girls are willing to do for really nothing. I'm not in any way mocking her as a person, I don't know her, but she's just an example of how desperate people can be when it comes to winning covergirl.
All you need to become Covergirl is a lot of money.
No style, creativity or finesse needed.
Just money and the ability to broadcast "covergirl, covergirl, covergirl..." Over 1000 times.
Is it really worth it, does being covergirl really mean this much to all these poor little girls who get their dreams crushed every day?
You get your medoll on the front page of stardoll, you get a million friend requests from people who don't care about you, your guestbook is filled with "congratz/congratulations..." blablabla along with a lot of other weird unwanted chain messages.
Sure, if this one day of 'fame' on stardoll is worth so much to some people..
They're really willing to waste all that money on broadcasting instead of maybe spending them on decorating their suite or doll, or why not just save them or spend them on real life things ...
I'm rather liked/loved as the person I am by my friends and those few people who visit my suite and appreciate and compliment creativity, than be covergirl once in my stardoll experience.
I miss how stardoll once was, when it was JUST about being creative, having fun, making new friends.
And there wasn't this constant pressure about being covergirl, now the only thing that seems to matter to some
people is being cover girl.
You see boring presentations that's all about running to become covergirl, those presentations are so unpersonal they make me wanna puke and the suite and doll the presentation belongs to aren't very stunning and interesting either, most times.
The glory of being covergirl is long gone. There's nothing special about it anymore.
There are other things in life and on stardoll that matters more.
Just because you become covergirl doesn't mean you'll get more friends, be more popular or that people will see the true you, who probably isn't as hollow as you may look.
The next day nobody will remember you anyways.
The few girls who actually are famous on stardoll, got famous a long time ago, when they mattered and not the cover of a magazine.
I'm not saying there aren't any stardoll members who don't deserve to be covergirl, there are lots of them, but they just aren't notcied, even though they really should be!
This post is not mainly about today's covergirl, her doll's now a stardoll-covergirl-statistic-thingy ... of what these girls are willing to do for really nothing. I'm not in any way mocking her as a person, I don't know her, but she's just an example of how desperate people can be when it comes to winning covergirl.
I just had to get my opinion out for once.
You're allowed to critisize me, if you think I'm an idiot or whatever.
I don't care.
So, comment, keep reading my blog and think about what really is supposed to matter in life.
Postat av: Caitlin/ILU_4eva
Hey, you are totally right.
I sent out 455 broadcast's the other day all saying covergirl 5 times, just to find out that they missed out a day on the covergirl magazine thing, I was so annoyed I wasted 2275 or something stardollars! I actually cried, now, only for this, i'm starting to hate on stardoll. I'm so disappointed D:
Postat av: angel12380
i agree with you on the covergirl thing. you are so going to put what you said in my presentation.(if thats ok)