Today's covergirl's gotta be joke
Pretty much everybody's dream is to become covergirl of the day. It's like you chance to be in the spotlight, for people to see you. Yeah, right, that's what it's supposed to be like, people who are truly worthy being seen, who have wonderful suites, medolls and personalities. This girl has no suite or no style. So the question is (and it probably remains) How the '''' did she become covergirl? Sorry, didn't mean to be so harsh. But my point is; there are lots of other people on stardoll who should have won today instead of her.
Postat av: qweds34 (Julia)
Jag håller med.Hon har ingen stil eller något som en covergirl borde ha!Jag tycker att hon tog en annans persons plats.En som har en bättre stil,suite och medoll.Men vi ska väll vara glada för hennes skull...även om hon kanske inte hade så fin stil. :S
Postat av: millycy (Milly)
WTF..!! Why Is It your Problem That she is a CoverGirl!!?? Maybe she doesn't have a style but she has a Right to be a covergirl!! And your just Report people and write stupid things About them in your Looser Blog?! Your Such a FakeBITCH!! And you made your banner with the same Look,, WTF?? Ohh And you can write in your looser blog about what comment I wrote But I don't give a Fuck Because this comment is to Help You Out To be much Nicer To People!! x