Copycats - Stolen presentation
Yesterday I got a friend request from "The Guilty" saying "I copied a bit of your presentation, hope it's Okay".
Well of course it wasn't O.K at all since my presentation really is very personal and I've been working so hard on it.
No way I want anybody else taking credits for it. So I went straight to her Guestbook, writing an entry that said it wasn't okay copying my presentation and that I wanted her to remove it - immediately. In all my anger and frustration I created a topic at the Swedish forum, telling everybody about it. The person who stole my presentation at first flatly denied that she'd copied my presentation.
Everybody online at the club knew that that text belonged to me, since they'd visited me a long time before 'the incident'.
Of course I reported her to stardoll, but some of the nice members of club Sweden insisted on helping me.
They wrote some entries in her Guestbook saying it is NOT Okay to copy presentations.
And today, she finally deleted the text from her page and said she was sorry. I don't forgive her, but I don't want to fight anymore either. I'm not gonna make her life miserable just because she copied my presentation, I'm not like that.
If I did - Harass her, terrorize her .. It would't make me a better person than her. I hope she doesn't feel too good about herself for what she did, though. But I'm glad she finally realized what she'd done wasn't right and that she deleted my text from her page.
I hope we can all learn from this. Copying somebody else's property, either if it's just a single picture or a novel, claiming it's yours ... that is not the right thing to do. Definitely not. You have to ask the owner if it is Ok first. Do never copy anything before you get your permission, always wait for an answer. If yes, you're good to go, but it still doesn't mean you own any of what you've gotten permission to use. It is just a permission. So you have still no right to claim it's yours. If no, accept she/he doesn't want you - or anyone else to copy her/his work.
Especially personal photos and presentations. Simply - because they're so personal.
/ Josefin AmyTheJater