Free Hannah/Miley dress - now costs 10 stadollars?!

Do you want the gorgeous Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus-dress? You don't have to pay 10 stardollars, promise.
you can get it absolutely free. If you live in France all you have to do is to go to the stardoll cinema, then go to your suite, voila, there's the dress. But if you're not living in France it's just a bit more complicated than that.
Here's how to get the dress if you live outside France.
1. Go to a proxy site like
2. Put in the URL bar
3. Log in to Stardoll and then Log out
4. Exit the Proxy server
5. Log in to your account and go to your suite. The dress should be there next to your closet Note: It's ok if the video doesn't show up.
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