First entry using my cellphone

Hello, members of stardoll! Guess this isn't one of the most interestng entries i will ever post on this blog. But i have to post this to assure all my readers with the fact that i'm still alive. Lol ... And i have no idea how accurate the previous sentence is, just thought it sounded good inside my head. Never mind. I had an hour to use the internet today ... 'cause we went home from the summer house to do the laundry and stuff. I didn't have time to update the blog , sorry about that, had to deny about 35 of at least 40 friends requests (since they were empty or said just 'hi') ... And also i had to reply to alot of messages, and do other less stardoll-related stuff. Hope you can forgive me. I cannot access the forums or at least post on them from my cell, so i'd appreciate if you could use just less than one minute of your valuable time to post an entry in the forums of our club 'flashyfashion' or even create a new topic. Thank you. / Josefin Ps. my english literally sucks at the moment. Sorry.


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