outfit of the day July 16
Glamourous party outfit.
Second Outfit of the Day - July 15 2010
This one is a little brighter and more beachy.
I love to mix gold and black with other, brighter
colors, like blue and white for example.
Dark accessories and light clothes.
The Amy Diamond club, largest celebrity club on Stardoll

Now all member of the club are probably not fans of Amy,
but hopefully at least ... a lot of them are!
At least it's nice advertising for her name...
I think one of the reasons the club is so popular is that
you recieve gifts when you join, lots of other clubs has earlier
given away gifts to new members, but since those were taken down, the Amy club remains.
Also the club is constantly active, which makes it an awesome place to hang out.
- Jo ♥
All you need to become covergirl: An extremely large wallet?
Today's covergirl, Imodel. No special suite, boring outfit.
All you need to become Covergirl is a lot of money.
No style, creativity or finesse needed.
Just money and the ability to broadcast "covergirl, covergirl, covergirl..." Over 1000 times.
Is it really worth it, does being covergirl really mean this much to all these poor little girls who get their dreams crushed every day?
You get your medoll on the front page of stardoll, you get a million friend requests from people who don't care about you, your guestbook is filled with "congratz/congratulations..." blablabla along with a lot of other weird unwanted chain messages.
Sure, if this one day of 'fame' on stardoll is worth so much to some people..
They're really willing to waste all that money on broadcasting instead of maybe spending them on decorating their suite or doll, or why not just save them or spend them on real life things ...
I'm rather liked/loved as the person I am by my friends and those few people who visit my suite and appreciate and compliment creativity, than be covergirl once in my stardoll experience.
I miss how stardoll once was, when it was JUST about being creative, having fun, making new friends.
And there wasn't this constant pressure about being covergirl, now the only thing that seems to matter to some
people is being cover girl.
You see boring presentations that's all about running to become covergirl, those presentations are so unpersonal they make me wanna puke and the suite and doll the presentation belongs to aren't very stunning and interesting either, most times.
The glory of being covergirl is long gone. There's nothing special about it anymore.
There are other things in life and on stardoll that matters more.
Just because you become covergirl doesn't mean you'll get more friends, be more popular or that people will see the true you, who probably isn't as hollow as you may look.
The next day nobody will remember you anyways.
The few girls who actually are famous on stardoll, got famous a long time ago, when they mattered and not the cover of a magazine.
I'm not saying there aren't any stardoll members who don't deserve to be covergirl, there are lots of them, but they just aren't notcied, even though they really should be!
This post is not mainly about today's covergirl, her doll's now a stardoll-covergirl-statistic-thingy ... of what these girls are willing to do for really nothing. I'm not in any way mocking her as a person, I don't know her, but she's just an example of how desperate people can be when it comes to winning covergirl.
I just had to get my opinion out for once.
You're allowed to critisize me, if you think I'm an idiot or whatever.
I don't care.
Outfit of the Day - July 15 2010
This is what happens when Josefin gets
really, really bored.
The ocean rules the catwalk ...
Looks like the ocean is currently ruling the catwalk.
The Stardoll Makeover Review - Fixes since my last post!
but that has been fixed now. On both the bestfriends panel and the last visitors panel you can now click "Show more" to view all best friends and more last visitors! Awesome!
And on the stardoll blog they've also reported the Covergirl will soon show on the front page again, as normal! :)
Check out http://stardollblog.com/ for updates!
AMYTHEJATER : Get my look
The look in the picture above differs slightly from the one being described below!
So I was slightly bored and decided to do a quick step-by-step make up tutorial with pictures on how to get my medoll's look. I'd appreciate if you used your own imagination a little though, that means I ask you not to copy my entire doll. Thanks-
Sorry about the bad quality of the images, I couldn't access my own laptop at the moment, so I had to use Paint on my dad's computer instead of Photoshop.
This is what my medoll looks like without any make-up.
Step 1:
Apply black fluid eyeliner like in the picture below.
But be careful not to make the 'wings' on the outer corner of the eye to long.
Step 2:
Now apply both volumizing and lengthening mascara.
Step 3:
On the upper lid in the outer corners put some black eye khol, and on the
inner corners of the upper and lower lid put some white eye khol.
The white will open up the eyes and make the doll's eyes look more alive
and awake.
Step 4:
Now apply black or any other dark eye shadow in an oval/triangular
shape on the outer corners of the eyes. Be careful not to put any black underneath
the eyes. Either the doll will look kind of ... dead or it'll just give a different effect,
but not the one we're looking for in this look. But don't be afraid to experiment
when coming up with new ideas though! But be careful with putting darker
shades underneath the eyes.
Step 5:
Add white eye shadow on the inner corners of the upper lid.
Step 6:
Put some black glitter eye shadow on the black eye shadow.
This step is really optional, maybe you don't like the glitter eye shadow or
maybe you just think it's waaay to expensive.
The eyes are now finished, time to move on to the lips!
Step 7:
Put a lipstick that's slightly darker than the original color of the doll's lips on
the bottom lip.
Step 8:
And then, apply lip gloss all over your lips!
The lipgloss is really expensive too, so if you don't have it, you should
consider skipping Step 7, and instead use no lipstick at all or just add lipstick
all over the lips.
Step 9:
Now for the blush!
I love to experiment with blush on my medoll.
I use only one layer of it on the sides of the nose and under the eyes,
and of course on the sides of the face.
This really defines the doll's face and makes it unique.
Some people think my idea looks ridiculous others actually like it.
If you want I could do a tutorial on how to apply blush on your medoll later,
but only if you want me to.
Step 10:
Finally; accessorize!
False lashes and a beauty mark on the cheek :)
I think this look doesn't need anything else, but that's just me!
Thanks for reading, feel inspired & don't forget to comment!
- JO ♥
Outfit of the Day - Juli 12 2010
Stardoll makeover - REVIEW
There's no real magazine anymore, only a front page.
The Cover girl doesn't show up on the front page anymore, which is weird.
If you win cover girl, you want to be on the front page and you want people to see you, right?
The My page looks okay, but there's no page for the Guest book anymore, it's embedded into the My page. Not as convenient as they intended it to be, I think. Only six of your best friends show on your page, not so awesome and only three of the last visitors are displayed ... sucks.
The suite is pretty much the same, and I like that. It's good that you can minimize the side bar, and it's better having it on the side than at the bottom. Also, the arrows you use to go from left to right are great! No more accidently moving when placing furniture.
The community page is a very good idea!
I mean I don't quite understand why they put the party function under design before.
It was more about socializing than designing.
The shop looks good, pretty much the same.
The dressups and games page ... also okay.
The ribbon-bar at the top is great! And the way they organized the chat is better, much, much better.
Brefore you couldn't visit the suite of your friends trough the chat, but now you can.
And it's just well organized with those two buttons, one for mail and one for other events.
I think there should be themes in different colors avalible!
At first, things were hard to find, but as I got used to the new design, navigating was not a problem!
Actually easier than before.
- Jo ♥
The Presentation Problem ...
So a lot of people have asked me about my post about changing your presentation.
The truth is: right now I can't help you.
Before that method worked, but as Mozilla Firefox was updated you can't paste things into the presentation editor any more and have it look the way it did when you copied it. I don't know why though.
The HTML method doesn't work anymore either
Just had to tell you that.
But I'm going to try to find a solution, if you know, please share.
Because I haven't changed it for three months.. haha :)
I'm gonna start writing again though.