Amy Diamond
On stardoll there has been a lot about Amy Diamond lately, which I think is great.
It started with new clothes to her doll, some new songs i her promotion section and that you can buy a signed copy of her new cd "Swings and Roundabouts". And with her album you also get a unique code that gives you some of her clothes to your own medoll. And also stardoll started a fan club for her, and anyone who joins it gets a poster and som sort of chair. (she sitting in it in a picture)
There has also been a scenery competition, the winner got to meet Amy Diamond herself at the Stardoll office.
The contest was for people who lived in Sweden only.
At the same day there was also a live chat for all members. Anyone who wanted could chat with Amy. She answered a lot of questions, but sadly none of mine. And there were probably a lot of disappointed stardoll members.
But it must've been pretty hard for Amy, all questions flowing in.
And here's the link to the chat if you want to read all questions Amy answered:
And during the chat she actually got to name Jonaska7's cat!
Jonaska7: "Hi Amy :) I have new cat. And I haven't got any idea how I can name her. Maybe you have?"
Amy Diamond: "Hi!
Lucky you! Cats are so cute, especially when they're kittens! My big sister has a cat, her cats name is sushi. I don't know! There are so many cool names.
Mittens is a really cute name for a cat, maybe you could call her that :-)
Have a great day :D
Thank you all for all the great questions! I hope to chat with all of you again soon. It's been so much fun!
Have a great week :)
Lots of love from
Yeah, lucky Jonaska7, not just because she got a kitten, also because she asked the most interseting question!
Anyway, hope they'll do this chat-thing some other time, and with other celeb's as well, I don't remember the last time the did this!
Anyways, for you people who keeps asking for the code to get those Amy Clothes, don't it's just a waste of time, everybody who buys her album gets a UNIQUE code, and it can only be used once. So stop asking.
Have a great day! I promise to start updating more! I really missed this blog a lot, and I'm sorry if you were reading this blog before, thst I just stoped writing like that.