Outfit of the day - November 28 '09
Ice and snow inspired outfit. Blue silver and white. Very exclusive and perfect for any party or special
occasion. This outfit really sparkles and cathes everybody's attention. An outfit does not have to contain black to be classified as stylish. Black get's boring at darker times of the year, ligt up the mood with some white.
December Hot Buys
I love the new hot buys! For a while I thought the more stylish kind of hot buys would never return, it has all been so pink and fluffy lately. But these totally rock! My favorites are the heart purse, the bunny ears (totally cute and will be great for creating outstanding outfits), the tulip skirt, the draped top, the pointed shoes and the blazer! i mean I like pretty much all of it this time.
But the Abbey Dawn t-shitr and the armwarmers aren't quite my style.
Which one's your favorite? What do you think of the hot buys this time?
Outfit of the Day - November 27 '09
I'm using the new DKNY to create this wonderful, simple and stylish outfit.
Leather, black and gold. The entire outfit is DKNY, except for the hat, you find
it in the Bisou Shop.
New DKNY - Sooner than I'd expected

The new dkny is here! It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be, but still It can't compare to the first collection. But I have to say I kind of like it. The patterns and the colors. I love the bags! And what's good is that it arrived in the shop a lot sooner than I thought it would. It usually takes weeks for stardoll to set up new collections!
I'm going to by some of it, my favorites at least.
Gift-O-Meter - Just another way for stadoll to earn more money?

Is this just one of stardolls' trick to earn more money?
By offering us 'free' stuff when we spend our money, I don't know.
I mean, what they're offering is just gorgeous, but is it really worth it? I already spend money on clothing at stardoll, but maybe this is a way for stardoll to get more people to buy stardollars or to get us to buy more.
Apart from that it is really good they're finally doing something at stardoll, finally, somethings happening again!
Click here to go directly to the campaign: http://www.stardoll.com/en/campaigns/soiree/
Get Free Amy Diamond-dress!
I know this blog has been a lot about Amy Diamond lately, but to my defence, there's an extremely cute dress for you, for free!
All you have to do is go to this page: http://www.stardoll.com/sv/campaigns/amy/contribute.php
Enter the contest by writing a song for Amy, and then you get the dress!
It's not just the free dress thst's good about this comp.
For all you great song writers, this is your chance to write a song for a real star, that she will actually record in a real studio! All you have to do is write the lyrics.
Anyways, when you've posted the lyrics you'll find a gift box with the dress in your suite!
sweet :)
Have a great day!
Winner of Fall/Autumn scenery contest - Pauo-Watson

Congratulations to Pauo-Watson who made the best Autumn scenery for the contest!
She simply came up with the best idea and put it togheter in a very professional way!
Also .... She just won a soft, big stuffed teddy bear! :)
Outfit of the Day - November 25 '09
Just a very simple outfit.
I just can't find any good
words for describing it at the moment.
It's about time they're getting rid of all this! Sale, finally! I hated those Miss Sixty clothes, but I do like the ones on the other floors. The DKNY this time is hideous! Boring and plain! We need something new, but it usually take weeks for them to set up the new DKNY in the shop. I can't wait.
chuchumeca123 Should have been today's covergirl!

Yeah that's right, just go check her suite out! I mean how could princesagezinha win?!
chuchumeca123 really put her heart and soul into her suite and ended up in fifth place.
I'm pretty sure our covergirl of the day cheated, I mean what does she have that anybody else can't get?
Her medoll isn't ugly but it's not special either, and her suite is just plain and boring.
I'm really disappointed, To be truly and fully honest: princesagezinha does NOT derserve to become covergirl!
Amy Diamond
On stardoll there has been a lot about Amy Diamond lately, which I think is great.
It started with new clothes to her doll, some new songs i her promotion section and that you can buy a signed copy of her new cd "Swings and Roundabouts". And with her album you also get a unique code that gives you some of her clothes to your own medoll. And also stardoll started a fan club for her, and anyone who joins it gets a poster and som sort of chair. (she sitting in it in a picture)
There has also been a scenery competition, the winner got to meet Amy Diamond herself at the Stardoll office.
The contest was for people who lived in Sweden only.
At the same day there was also a live chat for all members. Anyone who wanted could chat with Amy. She answered a lot of questions, but sadly none of mine. And there were probably a lot of disappointed stardoll members.
But it must've been pretty hard for Amy, all questions flowing in.
And here's the link to the chat if you want to read all questions Amy answered: http://www.stardoll.com/en/celebchat/?chatId=12
And during the chat she actually got to name Jonaska7's cat!
Jonaska7: "Hi Amy :) I have new cat. And I haven't got any idea how I can name her. Maybe you have?"
Amy Diamond: "Hi!
Lucky you! Cats are so cute, especially when they're kittens! My big sister has a cat, her cats name is sushi. I don't know! There are so many cool names.
Mittens is a really cute name for a cat, maybe you could call her that :-)
Have a great day :D
Thank you all for all the great questions! I hope to chat with all of you again soon. It's been so much fun!
Have a great week :)
Lots of love from
Yeah, lucky Jonaska7, not just because she got a kitten, also because she asked the most interseting question!
Anyway, hope they'll do this chat-thing some other time, and with other celeb's as well, I don't remember the last time the did this!
Anyways, for you people who keeps asking for the code to get those Amy Clothes, don't it's just a waste of time, everybody who buys her album gets a UNIQUE code, and it can only be used once. So stop asking.
Have a great day! I promise to start updating more! I really missed this blog a lot, and I'm sorry if you were reading this blog before, thst I just stoped writing like that.