Three stylish outfits
Here's what I found!

And please I need your help to find more stylish people like theese!
There'll be a topic in the club for tipsing about stylish medolls!
Winners of the summer scenery contest
Hello everyone! It's now time to announce the winners of the first club contest! All sceneries were amazing and special, so I had a real hard time choosing the winners, but here they are! (I decided to tell you who won first, some people announce third place first .. but I decided to do it my own way!)
The winner of the first club contest of Flashy Fashion is ....
This is just sooo creative, I love the dressses , they're so original and the way you used bathingsuites to make it more 'summerish' (: And I just have to say; it IS truly beautiful! Brilliant! You will be rewarded with a superstar gift and a week of covergirl votes from me, and hopefully some of the others in the club are willing to vote for you as well!
And In second place .....
I love your sceneries! You're very good at nature sceneries and I love the sky and the balcony railings! It's simply
Beautiful! You will be rewarded with a superstar gift aswell!
And in third place .. "last" but not least ...
I just love this scenery, It looks really nice! Very inviting, with all the food, the way you made it look like my medoll is reaching out to grab some. Awesome!
And you also will be rewared with a superstar gift!
And the superstar gift/prize is a Summery drink! (: (Hope it's good enough)
Please congratulate the winners, and for those of you who didn't win, your sceneries were great, I wish all of you luck, maybe it's your turn to win next time!!
Scenery Contest CLOSED
You may no longer enter this contest!
No exceptions!
The contestants are
Hopefully I didn't forget to write anybody down!
The winners (1,2,3) will be announced later today!
Fabulous Red Carpet Dresses

For once the "Red Carpet Style"-dresses are actually wearable.
The previous dresses has all been weird and odd and not stylish nor cute.
Just all queer. But these - toatally wearable! The blue one is cute, and in some strange way reminds me of a clown, but not in a bad way, though. Probably has something to do with the ruffles. And the black is short, and I love the bow, and it's strapless, I love strapless, Even though it's tough wearing them. Haha.
Truly sorry!
I will try to post more PROMISE!
Scenery Contest
The very first club contest!
Make a scenery of you and at least 2 other members of the club. The theme is summer.
The winner gets a week of CoverGirl votes and a superstar gift! Second & Third will also get a gift!
Thank you all for entering so quickly!
But for those who hasn't yet entered - The contest ends on Monday!
I'll write about the winners on the blog! of course!
Swedish Midsummer

More publicity for Sweden!
This is your chance to learn more about the wonderful country Sweden!
Swedish Midsummer - one of the most important Swedish hollidays of the year!
Read more about Sweden and Midsummer by clicking the "Around the World"-book!
There you can learn some simple, useful Swedsih Phrases!
Like: Have a nice day! = Ha en trevlig dag!
And don't forget to read the "How the Swedes celebrate Midsummer's Eve"-page!
And for those who didn't already know that Stardoll is actually a Swedish website, well then, now you know!
Ha en trevlig dag!
Shutter Shades - Finally!
Naah, didn't think so. But finally - they're here! And in all colors we've been hoping for!
They're pretty expensive - but who cares! They're non-superstar, for now at least, so get a pair ... or six - while you can!

Summer inspired Suites

Her entire suite is of course amazing, so you have to check it out! but this room was just outstanding!

Amazing landscape so much detail! Her other rooms are also worth visiting!

Her suite's just soo different, so original, in almsot every room there's a window with a beautiful landscape outside, pay her suite a visit and take in the wonder each room has to offter!

This house is very creative, I love the windows! This is my favourite room of her suite!
This is all I have time for, for now, I'll give you more later.
But I'll udate as often as I can.
// Josefin
Spoilers Special!

Jewelry, love the gold earrings, the other items seems a little odd though.

A t-shirt for all Jonas Brothers-lovers! The dress and the short jacket are both hotuys. so you've probably already seen them before, but I just had to put them in here anyway!

Intersting, I love the belt(s). and that red purse seems interesting too! The leggings looks like something that'll end up in the Fudge-shop or maybe Tingeling. The shoes all seem kin
Coming up on stardoll!

The New Theme is here!
It's a wonderful theme I think, but I don't usually dress in this kind of clothes, I go for the stylish classier clothes.
But still - they're just wonderful!
I put together two outfits using the dresses, I know they're far from stylish or good or anything, just putting up an example of how you can use these dresses! I will soon search stardoll for creative outfits that features one or more item(s) from this theme!

The dress to the left is actually (still) a non-superstar dress! If you want it,
get it now! you never know for how long the non-superstar items stays non-superstar!
And here's the makeup I used along with the outfit to get the right look,
inspired by ... water!

And I have to apologize for my English in this post, I'm very tired and I can't exactly focus on typing or writing at all.
Trust me: this would've been just as crappy in Swedish as it is in English.