Free HTML Boxes for your presentation!

I decided to give you guys some free HMLT boxes for your presentation, right here on the blog!
These codes are just to be directly pasted into your presentation editor, remember to save twice, or it won't show up!

Font size: To change the Standard font size of the text in the box change the "font-size" value, the higher, the larger the text will become
Font: To change the standard font of the text in the box, change "font-family"
Background color: to change the background color, just change the color code at "background-color"
Border: To change the thickness of the border, change the value at "border", the higher value, the thicker border.

Groove border

The code for the Groove border box.

Ridge border

The code for the Ridge border box.

Inset border

The code for the Inset border box.

Double border

The code for the Double border box.

Solid border

The code for the Solid border box.

Dotted border

The code for the Dotted border box.

Dashed border

The code for the Dashed border box.

Do you want me to post more codes like these?
How about the scroll box with different borders, or texts with all sorts of shadows, ready to use?
Then comment! :D - Jo

Postat av: MuMu


2010-12-28 @ 11:13:38
Postat av: Bianca

It would be awesome if you could post more! ♥

2011-01-01 @ 20:57:01

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