Where is Justin AKA FreakCakes? ):

Where did FreakCakes Also known as Justin go? He was on my bestfriends list just yesterday and now he's mysteriously gone! Who did this? Why would anyone want to delete his account? I'm 99,9 % Sure he didn't do it himself.
Why would he? Does he even know that his account is gone? Probably not. God I'm so frustrated and angry right now.
Nobody messes with my friends ..

Whoever did this I am so pissed at right now.
But before I do anything I'm gonna have to talk to Justin.

Postat av: qweds34 (Julia)

Så har det hänt för en av mina vänner. ;[

Det är tråkigt när sånt händer.Hoppas han gör en ny medoll och blir medlem igen så att ni kan vara vänner på stardoll igen.

2010-02-04 @ 16:39:09
URL: http://godisdrottningen.webblogg.se/

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