Hot or Not - RihannyX, First entry!

Hello, my name is Nika and you might know me from stardoll as RihannyX. I will be writing about hot and not outfits on stardoll, but please remember that i'm just getting  used to all this. =)

So let's begin...


                                               HOT :
This is Kiwigoesbananas and she did a great outfit!

It's very chick and i love how she used the golden accesories. But this is not the only great outfit she created. On her own stardoll runway there are some great outfits, inspired from Lady Gaga and others.

                                                      NOT :

Yasminee4's medoll is stunning but this outfit is a big no, no. I hate the top and the skirt, and those green tones don't really fit together...and where are the accesories?


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